Trying to figure out if you need to implement The Heart-Centered Classroom Management Method this year?
Let me know if any of this sounds familiar.
“I’ve tried all the classroom management tips and tricks. Behavior charts, reward systems, putting on a GoNoodle, coming up with expectations as a class...I’ve done it all! And it does work....temporarily.
But I find myself constantly trying to come up with the next thing that will keep my classroom peaceful."
“I dread the “crazy times” of the year because it’s impossible to get my kids under control. The full moon, holidays, right before a vacation...learning is out the window because the entire day feels like it’s dedicated to behavior management.”
“I’m constantly putting out ‘little fires’. It feels like I spend most of my day managing behavior and keeping kids focused.”

You get the theory behind intrinsic motivation. It can’t be all about the stickers.
You want your kids to be intrinsically motivated to show positive behaviors, but they seem too little to understand these big words and values. You don’t want to give out rewards for every little thing, but let’s be honest. Giving out stickers is totally motivating! Where’s the middle ground?
Can I let you in on a secret?
If any of this rang true, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to explicitly teach your students social and emotional skills while making your classroom a safe space for learning. Your current classroom management system isn’t giving you more time to spend on instruction. In fact, it’s taking precious time away because you are constantly focused on managing behaviors.
What if I told you there was a way to completely transform the vibe of your classroom?
Instead of having a room full of kids who are unfocused, missing learning opportunities, tattling, arguing, and off task, you’ll have a room full of engaged learners who can problem solve with you as a facilitator.
Instead of teaching random SEL strategies for 20 minutes a day, your students will be given opportunities to practice these strategies in meaningful ways that will give them ownership in the classroom.

My mantra during this training is “Keep it Simple”. I’ve created a simple 3 step method for building a foundation in classroom management and social/emotional learning that will empower your students to make healthy decisions about behavior and relationships.
After implementing this system, your students will confidently handle conflict while you step into the role of facilitator, leaving you more time to focus on instruction.
Your students will feel safe to explore words like empathy, gratitude, and kindness. They’ll be more engaged in classroom activities because of this heart-centered approach.
Students will work to repair relationships in a meaningful way after conflict (no more empty apologies!), and you’ll give them opportunities to practice this in a safe environment. Social and emotional learning will no longer be separate from the rest of your day, it will be woven throughout everything you do in the classroom.
☑️ This is the #1 thing missing from classrooms today.
☑️ It’s the reason so many teachers are struggling to make classroom management strategies work.
☑️ This is why SEL strategies aren’t sticking & kids aren’t using them when you’re not around.

You won’t have to give up the rewards with this system! Let’s face it, even as adults we like praise and recognition. There’s still a place for this in the classroom. But I’ll teach you how to move students toward intrinsic motivation in a way that’s developmentally appropriate and individualized for each child.
✓ Create a thriving classroom community.

Connect. Reward. Repair.

Module 1: Building a Connected Community
Learn the routines and basics behind The Heart-Centered Method:
- Reflection activity: What do I want my classroom to look and feel like? What does my dream community look like?
- How to build relationships before the school year begins (even if you’re socially-distanced or learning remotely!)
- What to do as soon as kids step foot into the door
- The Mighty 3 Strategy (Ready signal, teacher zone, whole-body listening)
- Mastering routines: How to start, categorize and prioritize routines
- Creating visual supports
- How to model and reinforce
- How to implement solid foundations in social and emotional practices in the first few days and weeks of school
- The importance of “front-loading” so your classroom runs like a well-oiled machine later
- Essential Expectations: Teaching what is expected, co-creating anchors, modeling, step by step and visual supports to promote independence
- Examples and workbook pages for implementation

Module 2: Discovering the Ultimate Reward
Learn how to promote positive behaviors through developmentally appropriate rewards:
- Learn the philosophy behind classroom rewards and how to find the middle ground between no rewards and only rewards
- How to ease kids toward intrinsic motivation by taking into account their experiences and upbringings
- “The 3 Layer Cake System” (Learn the importance of whole-group rewards, team rewards, and individual rewards)
- Set up a simple tracking system
- Create clear reasons for rewarding each layer, remove unintended bias
- The Ultimate Reward: Helping students move toward integrity, passion, kindness and that feeling in your heart you get when displaying positive behaviors
- 4 ways to begin teaching “The Ultimate Reward” explicitly in a way that littles understand
- Specific how-to’s and practice ideas for the social and emotional concepts students need to navigate issues

Module 3: Facilitating Intentional Repairs
What happens when kids are not following through? How do you handle repairs?
- Learn the 5 ingredients to a healthy relationship:
- Emotional responsibility: They can control their behaviors and actions
- Kindness, acceptance, compassion, empathy (and how to practice this in the classroom)
- Connection
- Ability to Learn Through Conflict
- Trust
- How social and emotional learning plays a role in classroom management
- What can we do when harm has been done? Learn how to implement a healing circle, restorative practices, and problem solving in the classroom.
- Teach students how to have one on one conversations and give heartfelt apologies. You will equip students to apologize in a way that actually repairs the relationship they’ve caused harm to.
- Learn how to give logical consequences that give students the opportunity to grow, reflect, repair and move on in a positive way.
- Find out how to give students an opportunity to practice social and emotional skills
BONUS: How to teach empathy in the classroom (perfect for our current circumstances!)

You'll get access to 3 incredible bonus e-books to help you implement The Heart-Centered Method FASTER during this time when we urgently need to build a sense of safety in our classrooms:

Transition to Remote Learning Guide: Learn how to implement The Heart-Centered Classroom Management Method during remote learning through unique ways to connect with students and families.
First Day of School Guide: 5 things you MUST teach on the first day of school (or at least in the first month!)
Home Visits Guide: The importance of connecting with families in person or virtually to set the tone for the school year. Establish meaningful relationships with students and parents through this simple technique.
Classroom Chants: *MOST REQUESTED BONUS! In this bonus video, I walk you through all of my favorite chants for getting kids engaged, celebrating students, and getting their attention!
Movement-Based Learning Guide
Unmet Expectations Bonus
Hybrid Learning Checklist
BRAND NEW BONUS! The training now includes a vault of some of my most-watched classroom videos. You'll see The Heart-Centered Method in action in my classroom in this organized library of video clips.

“I’ve been following you for months and have pretty much made you a part of my nightly routine. Your passion and honesty keeps me motivated to be the best I can be each day. I love watching your Instagram stories when I get into bed because they leave me feeling extremely motivated for the next day and I wake up excited to implement some of the things I see you doing in your classroom. What I would not give just to be in your classroom for a week and watch you work and how your day runs.
I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for being the team I don’t have this year, the inspiration I need, and the motivation I love. I am so grateful for you. You keep me challenged and excited.
You are amazing. You have a gift, thank you for sharing it with the world. We are all better because of you.”
Two Ways to Transform Your Classroom
Both package options include lifetime access to The Heart-Centered Classroom Management Method, PDF workbook and bonus guides. One package includes an extra bundle of social and emotional learning activities at a discounted rate!
Complete Training
Top features
- The Heart-Centered Classroom Management Method trainings
- 3 PDF workbooks (1 for each module)
- Certificate Upon Completion
- BONUS: Transition to Remote Learning Guide
- BONUS: Top Things to Teach on the First Day of School Guide
- BONUS: Home Visits Guide
- BONUS: Chants & Callbacks
- NEW BONUS! In-Action Video Vault
Complete Training + SEL Activity Bundle
Top features
- The Heart-Centered Classroom Management Method trainings
- 3 PDF workbooks (1 for each module)
- Certificate Upon Completion
- BONUS: Transition to Remote Learning Guide
- BONUS: Top Things to Teach on the First Day of School Guide
- BONUS: Home Visits Guide
- BONUS: Chants & Callbacks
- NEW BONUS! In-Action Video Vault
- SEL Activities Bundle (Click to see more)